Post-Baby Core Restore
“A 6-week program for moms who want to put an end to leaks, pain & mommy tummy”

Does This Sound Familiar?
- Peeing when you laugh, cough or sneeze
- Sudden urges to pee
- Passing gas involuntarily
- Painful sex
- Pelvic or pubic bone pain
- Backaches & tailbone pain
- Shoulder tightness
- Weak abs or abdominal separation (diastasis recti)
- Tight hips
Build Back Strong With
Post-Baby Core Restore!
I will guide you through the exercises that I personally used to recover after both my pregnancies. Every week has been carefully planned to build a solid foundation.
- No more leaks
- No more pelvic pain
- No more back pain
- Laugh, cough & jump without worry
- Enjoy sex again
- Feel strong & confident
5 Reasons you should join
Post-Baby Core Restore:
Start with a guided self-assessment to identify core weaknesses, diastasis recti, or pelvic floor concerns, so you can focus on what your body needs most.
Regain strength in your abdominal muscles and pelvic floor with focused exercises that will get you results. Gentle yet effective movements that help you reconnect with core, improve stability and support long-term quality of life!
After 1 week, women report feeling more relaxed from releasing built up tension through breathing exercises.
After 3 weeks, women feel more connected and aware of their body.
After 6 weeks, women are more confident getting back to the things they enjoy!
Short effective recovery routines that fit into your lifestyle, so you can feel stronger without sacrificing precious time.
I understand what it is like to be up against the clock every day. I had two kids under 2!!! It was NOT EASY!
This program is designed to be flexible and get straight to the point!
With over 15 years of experience working with women as a community & maternal child health nurse, personal trainer, life coach and postpartum corrective exercise specialist, you can be confident that this program has been designed with your needs in mind.
You will get access to a supportive community of women who are facing the same issues you are!
What's inside:
Week 1 – RESPIRE:
⭐ Relearn healthy breathing patterns to support your core and pelvic floor.
Week 2 – REALIGN:
⭐ Improve your posture for better core engagement and reduced pain.
⭐ Sync your breath, pelvic floor, and deep core for optimal recovery.
Week 4 – RECOVER:
⭐ Focus on gentle healing and restoring core function.
⭐ Build strength and stability from the inside out.
Week 6 – RETURN:
⭐ Gain confidence to move freely and get back to the activities you love.

- 24/7 Access from the convenience of your home
- 6-weeks of structured recovery exercises to rebuild your core and pelvic floor strength
- 4 weekly workouts: video and written explanations for each exercise
- A total of 24 unique workouts
- Access to the Post-Baby Core Restore online platform for 1 year
- Download the Post-Baby Core Restore program in pdf format
- Access to Amanda, for any questions & support along the way
- Membership to the private Facebook group for support
- BONUS 1: Nutrition 101 guide
- BONUS 2: Goal setting guide
Join Post-Baby Core Restore today!
- Strengthen your core
- Get back to the activities you love
- Alleviate pain
- Be free of your frustrating symptoms
- Feel confident
After sign up, you will
receive an e-mail with:
- Login instructions to access the course dashboard where you will find your self-assessment guides & 2 BONUS guides
- Link to join the members only Facebook group.
- Weekly progress check-ins, you can ask any questions along the way.

What do I get?
- 6 weeks of structured postpartum recovery workouts. * 4 recovery routines each week
- Easy to follow-along videos with voiceover and written instructions.
- Bonus Nutrition and Goal setting guides
- Access to Amanda for questions and support along the way.
- Private Facebook group for mutual community support
What equipment do I need?
- Yoga Mat or comfortable surface
- Pilates ball or small cushion (rolled up towel will also do)
- Comfortable clothing (nothing restrictive, especially across the waist and tummy)
How long are the workouts?
Each workout includes 4-6 exercises and range in length of 20-30 minutes.
What are some of the benefits?
Most women report feeling more relaxed during the first week. There is a big focus on breathing and that lends itself to relaxation. Women who have gone through the programme have felt:
- Reduction or elimination of dribbles or leaking of urine.
- Closure or reduce “gap” in the abdominals.
- Improved posture
- Increased strength through the deep core muscles (back, abdominals, pelvic floor and hips).
Who is the program for?
- If you are 4-6 weeks post vaginal delivery or 10-12 weeks post c-section and have no contraindication to begin gentle movement from your midwife or doctor.
- Have an abdominal separation (“mommy tummy”/diastasis recti) or feel like your abdominals are weaker.
- Experience dribbles or any degree for urine leaking (incontinence).
- Have been incontinent of stool.
- Feel heaviness or a bulging sensation from your vagina or rectum.
- Have pain on or around your pubic bone.
- Suffer with pelvic, low back or hip discomfort/pain.
- Had a baby 1 yr, 5 yrs or more and are still experiencing any of the symptoms listed.
- Pre/menopausal and are interested in preventive exercises that will keep your quality of life through your later years.
- You want to flatten your tummy and improve your posture.
- Are new to /or are returning to exercise and/or don’t feel ready for an intensive training program.
- You want to feel strong & confident in your body.
What are you waiting for?
You are only a few steps away to empowering yourself with the tools to build strong foundation!
I've Been There!!
Hello, I’m Amanda Isaac –
Mother, Nurse, Pre/Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer.
I was naive! I was a maternity and community health nurse who had spent countless hours supporting mothers in their postpartum period. I was sure that I understood enough about what would or could happen after I gave birth. It still wasn’t enough to prevent pelvic floor dysfunction after giving birth.
Unfortunately, this is a “common” occurence after giving birth but, IT IS NOT NORMAL and YOU DO NOT have to live with it!
“Post-Baby Core Restore” combines my clinical experience working with mothers with my understanding of how to apply exercise as a tool to heal the body.
With this program, I was able to resolve my own postpartum issues, and I am happy to empower mothers!

Start Post-Baby Core Restore NOW!
DISCLAIMER: The participation of this programme is at your own risk and does not replace the advice from a medical doctor or other allied health professional (physiotherapist or other). Amanda Isaac Coaching cannot be held responsible for any injury or worsening of any conditions that may arise from performing the exercises in this programme. READ DISCLAIMER STATEMENT
ALL SALES ARE FINAL. This is a digital product it is not eligible for return or refund.